Xenio in a Bottle

Racial Archetypes for Sharp Swords and Sinister Spells

Sharp Sword & Sinister Spells by Diogo Nogueira is one of the best games out there, I highly recommend you to pick it up if you haven't already. Actually, that goes to all of his games, they're really that great.

Anyways, after some OSR delving and SS&SS establishing itself as one of my favorites, I eventually wanted some races-as-classes for my weird human-centric setting. I figured: "This is a pretty popular game, I'm sure a dozen people made then already." Well, wrong.

My search didn't bear much fruit, and even it being pretty easy to adapt it from another game, it surprised me a lot. So I made a few, now without further ado:


Hit Dice: 1d10 Hit Points per level
Luck Die: d6
Prime Attributes: Physique and Willpower

Dwarf receives the following Special Abilities:


Hit Dice: 1d6 Hit Points per level
Luck Die: d8
Prime Attributes: Intellect and Agility

An Elf receives the following Special Abilities:


Hit Dice: 1d6 Hit Points per level
Luck Die: d8
Prime Attributes: Willpower and Agility

Halfling receives the following Special Abilities:


Hit Dice: 1d10 Hit Points per level
Luck Die: d6
Prime Attributes: Physique and Agility

Half-Orc receives the following Special Abilities:


Hit Dice: 1d8 Hit Points per level
Luck Die: d6
Prime Attributes: Intellect and Agility

Goblin receives the following Special Abilities:

Now, with these five I was pretty satisfied, I had what I needed. But I wanted 6, so you can roll it as a table, then an idea came to me.

One thing that I find quite silly about a lot of people in OSR, is how much they dislike anything related to modern games, especially playable races. This made me like some races much more than I used to, just for the fun of it. So then, one that's a little controversial to round it up:


Hit Dice: 1d8 Hit Points per level
Luck Die: d6
Prime Attributes: Physique and Willpower

Dragonborn receives the following Special Abilities:

So, I hope you like those ones. And if you made some of your own, please share, I want to see all sorts of content for this game.

#class #homebrew #osr #race #sharp-swords-and-sinister-spells